Padlocks required by your insurance companies

Many insurance companies might have the following requirements: A closed shackle padlock A 5 lever padlock A sold secure padlock 3 or more CEN graded padlock What if a closed shackle padlock is required by your insurance company? Closed shackle padlocks have built up walls around the shackle, which cannot be attacked by cutters. […]
Is a fully weatherproof padlock really necessary?

A fully weatherproof padlock is also known as a marine padlock and it can be used in saline and other extreme environments. A fully weatherproof padlock is made of 100% stainless and non-corrosive materials. The internal mechanism is the part that makes a padlock function properly. It uses a tiny pin and spring and is very complex and […]
Is a combination padlock as good as a keyed padlock?

A combination padlock can be cracked by trying different codes. The mechanism of the combination padlocks is not as strong as a keyed padlock, so the answer to this question is no. Even though a combination lock has the advantage of not requiring a key, cracking the code by trying each number is still a problem. […]
What are the Different Kinds of Padlocks?

There are padlocks with different shapes and sizes based on properties. Padlocks with closed shackles Padlocks with closed shackles are common and they mean that the shackle is secured. It’s difficult to cut the shackle with a saw. There is a minimum requirement for many insurance companies. Padlocks with closed shackles should be used as a security […]
The Applications of Cam locks

Applications of cam locks have a cylindrical mechanism and are widely used in our daily life. The common applications of cam locks are as the following. Lockers Cam locks are often used for lockers in schools, gyms, and hospitals as they provide security for personal belongings. Furniture made of wood Cam locks make wooden furniture […]
Four Kinds of Drawer and Cabinet Locks

Cam Locks When it comes to drawer and cabinet locks, cam locks are the most versatile choice. Usually, cam locks are used for sliding or hinged cabinet doors. The drawer or door is locked by the cam which slides behind the fixture. There are two different kinds of cam, the straight cam, and the offset […]
A Drawer lock Four steps to remove

A cam lock is used for a drawer just like a file cabinet. A metal tab that releases a drawer from the drawer cavity is turned by a key cylinder. If you want to change a lock or your key is missing, you will have to remove the drawer lock you have now. There are different […]
Cabinet locks Replacing filing

A filing cabinet lock is widely used to secure filing cabinets that store important documents in homes and businesses. Even though now we have entered a digital age, file cabinets are still very important. Usually, there are plunger and cam locking mechanisms for filing cabinet locks. In order to avoid people who don’t have authorized access from […]
Door Knob Set and Mortise locks

Mortise locks are popular over the years. However, They can only secure a home in a common way. A lot of people like a knob set, because it doesn’t require a large pocket in a door. If you want to use a knob set instead of a mortise lock, you’ll have to remove the mortise lock first. And […]
What is Zamak?

Zamak is also known as Zamac which is composed of zinc and alloying elements of magnesium, aluminum, and copper. The Zamaks alloys were developed in 1929 by the New Jersey Zinc Company. Zamak 3 is the most common Zamaks alloy. Zamak 3 and 5 are often used for the spin casting industry. Application Zamaks alloys can […]